10 Adoption Children’s Books For Your Child

I have always enjoyed connecting with my adopted children via reading. By supplying them with books from babyhood, they have all become avid bookworms. Here is a list of my favorite adoption children’s books.

#1. God Found Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren

The book begins with Little Fox asking his mama to tell him the story about when she brought him home. Mama smiles and says, “That is my favorite story of all. When God found us you. It made me the happiest mother in the world.” They cuddle together and Mama tells Little Fox that she will love him always and forever, no matter what.

#2. Adopted And Loved Forever by Annetta E. Dellinger

Adopted And Loved Forever, tells the story of a little girl who was adopted. She begins by explaining how very happy she is to have her adoptive parents and how much they love each other. Her parents were lonely, so they spoke to a lady from the adoption agency and the lady knew about a baby who needed a home…and her parents chose her! Now they aren’t lonely anymore. She doesn’t look like her mom or dad and sometimes they get angry with her, like when she doesn’t clean her room. The girl says, “Being part of a family, is what adoption means to me.”

#3. The Night The Angel Came by Sharilyn Martin

This book is about a little Korean-American girl. She tells how her country was at war before she was born and soldiers from America came to help. Her mother and an American soldier fell in love and the soldier became her father. She was not accepted in her village, so her mother made the hard choice to place her in an orphanage where she was later adopted. One night as she slept a memory picture crept into her mind and she “saw” her precious birth mother slipping away. When she tried to call out to her, strange hands grabbed her. She awoke in terror, afraid that she would have to leave this mama as well. But her new mama whispered, “God’s angels are keeping you,” and murmured words of comfort.

#4. A Mother For Choco by Keiko Kasza

This book is one of the first adoption-related books I read to my children, and it has remained a favorite. Choco is an adorable yellow bird with blue and white striped legs and feet. He is searching for a mother. While asking all the animals he meets if they will be his mother, he is continually turned away because they don’t have yellow feathers or striped feet. Then he meets a bear who is busily picking apples and she invites him home where he meets her other children. Mrs Bear assures him that you don’t have to look alike to love each other.

#5. How I Was Adopted by Joanna Cole

Sam is a little girl who shares the story of how she was adopted.

#6. Over The Moon: An Adoption Tale by Karen Katz

The book puts a positive spin on adoption from the author’s personal experience. The colorful pictures are a delight!

#7. Did My First Mother Love Me? A Story For An Adopted Child by Kathryn Ann Miller

Most adopted children will at one time or another ask this very difficult question. In this story, Morgan cannot help wondering why she was adopted; didn’t her mother love her? Morgan’s mother reads a letter written by her birth mom aloud to Morgan.

The following books are not about adoption in particular, but they are among our children’s favorites. These books speak of love and connection.

#8. Pocket Full Of Kisses by Audrey Penn

Chester Raccoon isn’t sure he likes his little brother because Ronnie takes so much of his mom’s time and attention, plus he ruins Chester’s games. His mother assures Chester she loves him as much as ever, then asks him to spread his little palm into a fan. When he follows her direction, she places a kiss into his palm, telling him to use that kiss whenever he needs her love.

#9. The Invisible String by Patrice Karst

Liza and Jeremy were settled in bed one night when it began to thunder. They were frightened and ran to their mother. She told them it was just a storm, and they should go back to bed. The twins told her they were too scared so their mother told them about the invisible string that connects their hearts even when they cannot see one another.

#10. I Promise I’ll Find You by Heather Patricia Ward

The author describes all the places and to what extent she would go to find her (child). Across the sea, through the sky or to the bottom of the sea ending with, “So remember this my darling, for it is very true. If ever you’re apart from me, I’ll search until I find you.”

More adoption books can be found at AdoptionGifts.com. What adoption children’s books would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments!